Friday 3 September 2010

Book Review - " Making Chocolate 101"

Do you love gourmet chocolate?

Most people do! Fine chocolates are one of life’s greatest pleasures. Kings and princes have for centuries coveted chocolate. Did you know that chocolate used to be one of the expensive items in the world, almost as precious as gold? 
It’s true! Chocolate makers who mastered their craft went on to become very wealthy and famous, establishing some of the world’s most well known companies. People today still love chocolate. It is a part of many people’s daily life and also can be a wonderful treat and reward. Life without chocolate would truly be a sad and empty life.

For many people that suffer from conditions like diabetes ,limiting the amount of sugar that they eat, it is necessary in order to be healthy. Diabetes is a very serious disease and controlling the amount of sugar that you eat if you’re diabetic is a very serious matter. It can be hard to find tasty chocolate treats that aren’t packed with sugar and are allowed on a diabetic diet. Or maybe you or someone in your family is a vegetarian or vegan so eating commercial chocolate made with dairy products is off limits.

Now You CAN Have Chocolate!

It’s true! You can have chocolate that won’t interfere with your dietary restrictions or health issues. Imagine being able to share a cup of luscious hot chocolate with a loved one on a cold winter night or being able to have a thick chocolate cake for your birthday. Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat a chocolate bar after a hard day? Or if you could treat yourself to some fancy chocolate truffles when you finish that project at work or make a deadline or get a promotion? Or if you could enjoy a luxurious cup of hot chocolate with your partner before bed? You can have chocolate whenever you want!

Studies have suggested that eating chocolate on a regular basis can have some health benefits for people. Multiple studies have found that chocolate contains flavonoids, a type of polyphenol antioxidant that may help to diminish such conditions as hypertension and heart disease.

Now you don’t have to miss out on those health benefits, or the joy of eating really good chocolate, anymore. It’s true! Making your own homemade chocolate allows you to control the ingredients and to control things like the amount of sugar in the chocolate.

This book will give you all of the helpful information that you need to know in order to start making your own delicious homemade chocolate. It’s packed full of fun tips and great ideas that you can use to make holiday, birthdays, weddings and other occasions a lot more special with homemade chocolate.

The tips and tricks in this book are gathered from experts and homemade chocolate making champions. You can save a lot of time and money using these tips to make homemade chocolate. Just imagine when relatives and friends come over and you can offer them your very own chocolate creations. Picture being able to make chocolate with your kids and the great times you can have. Now You Can Make Your Own Homemade Chocolate.

The tips and information in this book will be things you use again and again for many years to come. Making chocolate is a fun and wise decision. Start a new tradition! 


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