Sunday 26 September 2010

Visit a Swiss Chocolate Factory by Train

Take the Chocolate Train to the Swiss Cailler Nestlé Visitor Centre

The Cailler Nestle Visitor Centre

History of Cailler Nestlé Chocolate in Switzerland;

It was in 1697 that the Mayor of Zurich, Heinrich Escher, first introduced drinking chocolate to the Swiss nation after tasting it on a visit to Brussels but it was not until 1819 that Francois-Louis Cailler opened Switzerland’s first chocolate factory at Corsier near Vevey. Chocolate at this time in its history was of the dark variety until another Swiss, Daniel Peter, who was married to Cailler’s daughter, invented milk chocolate in 1875.

Switzerland was the birthplace of some of the most famous chocolatiers in history. Henri Nestlé, Francois-Louis Cailler and Daniel Peter were all born there and were instrumental in the international development of chocolate. The work of two of these chocolate pioneers is celebrated at the Cailler Nestlé Visitor Centre in Broc, in the Canton of Fribourg. There is no better way of getting there than catching the Swiss Chocolate Train.
Switzerland is famous for its chocolate. Why not take the Swiss Chocolate Train to the Cailler Nestlé Visitor Centre and learn how this sweet is made from cocoa beans?

Henry Nestle

Peter achieved this new type of chocolate by combining the traditional cocoa with Henri Nestlé’s invention of condensed milk. The resulting smooth and creamy chocolate was a great success. According to the Swiss World website, milk chocolate currently accounts for over 80% of the Swiss chocolate market. By 1898, Cailler chocolate manufacturing had moved to Broc to make use of the milk produced in the Gruyère region. The factory has been there ever since.

Take the Swiss Chocolate Train to the Cailler Nestlé Factory

In 1929, the chocolate firms founded by Henri Nestlé and François-Louis Cailler merged to form Cailler Nestlé and the company still produces chocolate in Broc. The Swiss Chocolate train runs three times a week from May to October except in July and August when it runs daily. The all day train tour starts at Montreux and crosses the meadows of the Gruyère region. It incorporates a stop to allow travellers to tour a cheese factory.

The Flag of Switzerland

The train then continues its journey and arrives at the Cailler chocolate factory in the afternoon. In April 2010, Cailler will opened its new Visitor Centre at Broc-Gruyère where chocoholics can learn about the history of chocolate, take a factory tour and indulge in a free tasting session. There will also be the opportunity to buy Swiss chocolate at wholesale prices in the Centre’s shop.

Booking a Trip on the Swiss Chocolate Train

Details of the Swiss Chocolate Train, including timetables and fares can be found at the GoldenPass Line website for tourists who like to travel independently. For travellers who prefer package deals, several operators offer organised holidays which include overnight accommodation and travel from various European cities as well as the trip on the Chocolate Train and the tour of the Cailler Nestlé chocolate factory.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Making Chocolate Candy that Lasts

                          Temperament of Chocolate Candy

Various Nuts in Chocolate

The success of your chocolate candy lies on the ability to temper the chocolate. Even in other chocolate delicacies, the importance of tempering the chocolate mixture will never be understated. Chocolate, to begin with, must have a premium quality to it. You can have fun experimenting on different core chocolate materials that you can use for your chocolate candy.

Sometimes, you will find in the market some melted chocolates that are ready for making chocolate candy. You can make use of this or do chocolate the hard way and start from the cocoa beans. The good thing about melted chocolates is that you can focus on the making of chocolate candy itself. 

The making of chocolate from cocoa beans can be very difficult and tedious, and you may be robbed of your energy the moment you decide to do both. By the time that you reach the chocolate candy making aspect, you may have no more gusto or enthusiasm to complete it.

But when buying melted chocolate, make sure that it is not made of a processed candy bar. The courveture quality of chocolate is something you must look for since it makes for an ideal chocolate core for chocolate candy.

Other Ingredients and Steps

An electric frying pan is needed with ample space for your mixture. Have a temperature of about 60 degrees for mixing the chocolate and creating your candy. But don't melt the chocolates in your frying pan. It is still better to place them in the oven for melting. Introduce the chocolate by increments and not by instantly putting a large heap.

This way, the stirring part will be easier and you will not run the risk of losing control as you create your chocolate candy.

Avoid moisture in the chocolate at all costs because it will affect the taste of your chocolate candy. After you have fixed your chocolate core, you can then dip it into the other components that create the chocolate candy.

The Method

Coat both sides of your material with chocolate. Make sure that your flip the center for balance of chocolate distribution. You can also use your fingers to have a swirly mark on your chocolate candy, but this must be mastered with constant practice before you can smoothly pull it off. Keep mixing the chocolate in such a way that it does not get too stiff. Chocolate candy usually results in a less shiny quality. If you find the chocolate candy too shiny, you may have overdone or underdone something from the previous steps.

Next Step

You can now store your chocolate in the fridge. With the use of wax paper or other similar material, you can make your chocolate candies appear more professionally made than when you leave them bare in the tray. The good thing about chocolate is that it lasts for a very long time.

The leftovers from your chocolate making may also be turned into other delicacies. Just use your imagination and you will be able to find delight in making other forms of chocolate delicacies. You can also save the leftovers for your next chocolate candy making sessions but gaining the right texture and temperature may prove to be a bit more challenging.

Either way, there are no wasteful moments when it comes making chocolate candy and other chocolate delicacies for that matter.

Monday 6 September 2010

Good Parenting Can Involve Making Chocolate

As a parent, you always try and think of ways
to entertain your kids while keeping them 
close to you. Making chocolate can be a real 
bonding moment that you can share with your
 off springs.

Children love the mess. And parents like to
 keep things tidy and clean. For this activity,
 you can all make an agreement to treat the
 process as messy as it can be. But all of you
 should also contribute to the cleaning part
 after the activity is done.

If you are a parent who is running out of 
creative juices on how to stop your toddler
from running all over the house, then you 
must try this with the kid. Enjoy each 
moment while educating your kid the value 
of hard work and having rewards after.

If you don't know anything about the methods,
do not despair. It will be more fun to be at the
same level where your kids are when it comes
to such activity. They will see you as their 
equals and all of you can start the learning 

The most important part here is that you get to 
spend quality time with your kids. Actually, 
this activity can be done by the whole family. 
Allocate a budget to buy the ingredients and 
simple equipment for you to be able to head 
on with the process.

Your kids will definitely love you for it. While 
doing the task, you can explain to them some 
trivia, some facts and a lot about the processes 
of making chocolates. You can even inspire 
them to hone such talent to be able to profit 
from it when the right time comes. Through 
this, you will be able to instill in them proper 
values while they are enjoying themselves and 
learning from what you are all doing.

As a parent, it is also your duty to control your 
kid's intake of the finished products. This will 
not be too hard especially that you have gained 
your kids' trust when you have taught them 
about chocolate making. After the process, you 
must explain to them very clear that they 
should eat chocolates sparingly.

You must take the extra effort of researching 
all of  the good and bad effects of chocolates to 
their bodies. This way, the craft is really 
becoming more of a learning process that your 
kids will surely thank you for when the right 
time comes.

Do not mind the mess as this can get really 
messy. Just ask your kids to promise that they 
will help out cleaning away the mess to be able 
to get to eat some of what you all have made.

Good parenting can be achieved in so many 
ways that you can think of. Sometimes, it takes 
extra effort to enjoy a fun-filled day with your 
Do not mind the money for this activity. 
Seeing the happy faces of your kids will 
definitely erase all those doubts of yours.

So head on to the grocery store. You can even 
ask your kids to come with you. You can start 
the process from there. You can remind them 
of tips and tricks in making chocolate. And as 
you all trail home, for sure, everybody will be 
looking forward to making their own treats 
while all having a good time.

This will be a fun-filled bonding time that you 
will be able to add to the childhood memories
of your children.
Just one step into good parenting.

Friday 3 September 2010

All Things Chocolate

Book Review - " Making Chocolate 101"

Do you love gourmet chocolate?

Most people do! Fine chocolates are one of life’s greatest pleasures. Kings and princes have for centuries coveted chocolate. Did you know that chocolate used to be one of the expensive items in the world, almost as precious as gold? 
It’s true! Chocolate makers who mastered their craft went on to become very wealthy and famous, establishing some of the world’s most well known companies. People today still love chocolate. It is a part of many people’s daily life and also can be a wonderful treat and reward. Life without chocolate would truly be a sad and empty life.

For many people that suffer from conditions like diabetes ,limiting the amount of sugar that they eat, it is necessary in order to be healthy. Diabetes is a very serious disease and controlling the amount of sugar that you eat if you’re diabetic is a very serious matter. It can be hard to find tasty chocolate treats that aren’t packed with sugar and are allowed on a diabetic diet. Or maybe you or someone in your family is a vegetarian or vegan so eating commercial chocolate made with dairy products is off limits.

Now You CAN Have Chocolate!

It’s true! You can have chocolate that won’t interfere with your dietary restrictions or health issues. Imagine being able to share a cup of luscious hot chocolate with a loved one on a cold winter night or being able to have a thick chocolate cake for your birthday. Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat a chocolate bar after a hard day? Or if you could treat yourself to some fancy chocolate truffles when you finish that project at work or make a deadline or get a promotion? Or if you could enjoy a luxurious cup of hot chocolate with your partner before bed? You can have chocolate whenever you want!

Studies have suggested that eating chocolate on a regular basis can have some health benefits for people. Multiple studies have found that chocolate contains flavonoids, a type of polyphenol antioxidant that may help to diminish such conditions as hypertension and heart disease.

Now you don’t have to miss out on those health benefits, or the joy of eating really good chocolate, anymore. It’s true! Making your own homemade chocolate allows you to control the ingredients and to control things like the amount of sugar in the chocolate.

This book will give you all of the helpful information that you need to know in order to start making your own delicious homemade chocolate. It’s packed full of fun tips and great ideas that you can use to make holiday, birthdays, weddings and other occasions a lot more special with homemade chocolate.

The tips and tricks in this book are gathered from experts and homemade chocolate making champions. You can save a lot of time and money using these tips to make homemade chocolate. Just imagine when relatives and friends come over and you can offer them your very own chocolate creations. Picture being able to make chocolate with your kids and the great times you can have. Now You Can Make Your Own Homemade Chocolate.

The tips and information in this book will be things you use again and again for many years to come. Making chocolate is a fun and wise decision. Start a new tradition! 


Wednesday 1 September 2010

Go To School & Learn How to Make Chocolate

Learning how to make chocolate is not that different from knowing how to bake cookies or cake. There are books that you can read and related material online. But if you want to learn from one of the professionals, you have to go to school and sign up for one of the short courses.

Most of the chocolate courses you will find cannot be completed in a week. This is because before you get your hands dirty, you have to understand the history and the chemistry before you are taught the various techniques of making them and how to sell them.

You also have to remember that there is a science to making a quality product that people would want to have after they have tasted it for the first time.

For those who want to make their own product instead of just melting blocks, you will need to learn how to outsource beans, creating your flavor profile and then producing these in bulk.

There are also courses on quality control to make sure those who decide to go into the business are able to sustain what they have started.

Another program that is like a master's degree in chocolate making has classes and tours to chocolate factories not only in the US but in Canada, Belgium, France and Italy.

For those who don't have the time to give up their regular jobs, they can learn about making chocolate online.

Schools that offer this make sure the curriculum is offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can start and stop anytime you want so you are able to remember everything that is taught before moving on to the next module.

After finishing the program, you can use your knowledge to start your own business or look for work within the baking, catering, confectionary or food service industry.

This isn't bad even if you have never taken baking classes before because the learning process takes you from basic skills to more advance work. Some of these schools also offer internship programs so you can practice what you have learned under the direction of a master chocolatier.

But nothing compares to education right there inside the kitchen. You just need to make the time and if you can't make it to classes on weekdays, see if there are those being offered on weekends.

The cost of tuition in chocolate making schools varies depending on the type of program and also if this is done in the kitchen or at home. For those who decide to learn in the kitchen, they don't have to worry because all the materials they need will already be provided. For those at home, they have to buy these from the craft store and make do with what they have.

Learning how to make chocolate with the help of trained professionals is much better than trying to perfect how it is done through trial and error. After all, it is an exact science when it comes to mixing the ingredients and a little bit of marketing if you are planning to sell this product in the market.

Once you get the hang of things, you can try some experiments to make concoctions of your own. After all, chocolates do not always come in boxes.

To get information about an online Chocolate Making, weekly study course, simply copy and paste this link into your browser.
Why not have a look now, it's Free to look!

To get your recipe for  " The World's No.1 Chocolate Cake",    Click Here!


A Brief Look at the Past of Making Chocolate

Everything has its origin. Did you know that even the process of making chocolate has a history? This may be your favorite thing to do now as your pastime. Or you may be even addicted to the taste of such a treat. But this piece will not add up to that craving as it tries to give you a better view as to how it all started.

The Theobroma Cacao or the food from the Gods is what you all know as the cocoa tree. Its origin can be traced to  America's rainforests, specifically in Central America. But historians are still debating about certain facts about this tree.

Xocolat, Anyone?
There are arguments that the Mayans first grew such a tree in 300 AD. And the Aztecs had their turn in cultivating such in 1100 AD. The chocolate that you all know now used to be called Xocolat. This was a special beverage that was made out of chilies, anise seed, vanilla, cornmeal and some more spices. Only royalties got to be treated with such delights at the time. It was served using golden cups that were to be used only once. 

Save the Chocolates
The cocoa tree is sensitive to its surroundings. It will most likely grow in the shades of the canopy of the rainforest. For this reason, chocolate lovers must unite in the goal of saving the environment, especially in saving the rainforests where the cacaos will most likely survive.

This tree is unique in the sense that its fruits grow on its branches and trunk. The reason for this is because of midges. These are the tiny insects that cause the pollination process during nighttime. 

Did you know that the cacao tree can have approximately 10,000 blossoms but only about 10 to 50 of those will mature into fruits or the pod? This is because like an intelligent human being, the tree of cacao can regulate its blossoms to the amount that it can handle and grow.

The cacao tree self regulates in this process to be able to sustain its good health. It knows what it can contain and handle. It knows just how many is enough and too much. The tree does this to preserve its internal systems and to prevent its branches from breaking or falling apart.

The cocoa beans come from the fruit or the pod from the intelligent tree. Harvesters wait for the pod to ripen. They will handpick the trees and crack open the pods until they see white pulpy elements that surround the seeds. The pulps are then trashed while the seeds are kept because those are your cocoa beans, the source of your chocolate treats. 

These seeds are actually bitter during such time. For this reason, these will go through the fermentation process for about three to seven days. This method will cause the seeds to go through some chemical as well as physical changes. The result of this will then be used for the royalties' treat, the Xocolat.

The beans need to go through several procedures  before they can be used for the traditional making chocolate purposes. 

Now that you know where it came from, you'll never look at your favorite chocolate the same way ever again. Or probably not. Whatever it has been through, chocolates will remain a favorite among children and child at heart.