Wednesday 16 March 2011

Interesting Information about Chocolates Making Procedure

Chocolate is everyone’s favorite, According to sources it proves that chocolate is good for health. Many chocolates are very tasty and healthy but priced too high. So many time we have to control our emotions. It is very interesting to know the main reason  its price is so high, because there are a lot of procedures and human labor exists behind the chocolate making process.

I am explaining here, Cocoa beans are basic and important ingredients of chocolate. Cocoa beans grow up on “Theobroma” tree it is most valuable. “Theobroma” tree takes four to five years to grow beans. At starting these beans are so thin and soft, not collected by machine. Initially all processes are completed by hand. After harvesting process raw cocoa undergoes fermentation. The raw cocoa still has too much water in it,  now it goes through dried process. After all these now cleaning is very important procedure to make cocoa clean and avoid wood, jute fibers, sand and other unwanted ingredients. Raw Cocoa beans are purchased by candy or chocolate manufacturers,  who have processing running in their factory or plants. Roasting process perform for develop aroma within maximum 130 degree Celsius. After that beans are crushed in medium size. Before grinding all are crushed and blended according recipe required. Crushed Cocoa beans undergo the solid roller when they convert in fine paste called cocoa butter. It is thick, liquid paste that used to provide chocolate shape. Conching, it is the procedure where chocolate takes a fine velvet touch.

If all these are performed in the right manner then its flavors have good quality, we can say quality of its taste depends over all processes or hard work. This purity of touch divides chocolate in reputation provider category. You know that chocolate variety depends on cocoa butter and powder amounts. Butter, sugar, caramel, milk and condensed milk ingredients are variables according taste. Cocoa beans used for making beverages or confectionery. The liquid chocolate provide shape to bar, candy and cookies to covering with fruits, nuts and other edible stuffs. This procedure may be continued and resulting silky bunch of chocolates as shaped, tasty, and packaged chocolates. Nuts, fruits, fruit gel, honey, ginger, lemon, liqueur like rum, wine and other ingredients used for best flavours. In U.S. chocolates are considered as best snacks, 40% of almond and 25% of peanuts and other nuts are used in chocolate making yearly, now this ratio is rising. Approximately 3.7 million gallons of whole milk used to make chocolate. Almost 60% of Americans gave chocolates boxed as a gift.  
Now After reading this, I hope you will never try to bargain chocolate prices.

Lachocolatin is Homemade Chocolates in India that facilitate  to Buy Diwali Gifts, Chocolate gift Baskets and Corporate Gifts Online. Here you can find large collection of chocolates like Plain Chocolate, Almond Chocolates, ferrero rocher, Chocolate Pearl and many more.

Author: La
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